One Second Everyday for 2017: The Entire Year Captured in a 6 minute Video

One Second Everyday - the year 2017 captured in 6 minutes

One Second Everyday is an app that I heard mentioned on NPR while driving back from the office. The idea behind it is that as we get older, the days seem to go faster (and even merge into one). I can’t tell you how many times people will ask — so what did you do over the weekend? And I literally have no idea.

So for 2017, I set out with a goal that honestly, I wasn’t sure I’d accomplish. Every day, I’d capture a 1 second highlight of my life. As you’ll see, some days are definitely more exciting than others! But the idea is that you can re-experience all the days of the year — from big to small — and remember each moment. From travels through South Africa, Zambia, Iceland and Mexico to celebrating our longtime friend’s 60th birthday in Hawaii to seeing our families on the East Coast — 2017 turned out to be a busy year. And for the most part, I remember about 99% of what I shot!

Check out my video below (which I added music in using iMovie, which comes for free on MacBooks).

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